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Wychbold First and Nursery School
‘The Friends of Wychbold’ is a group of parents/carers that aims to raise funds for extra equipment that the school will benefit from and to help enhance the school community by putting on social events.
A very committed group of Friends meet regularly to organise and run events such as our Christmas and Summer Fetes, Story Night, Film Night and Disco. Every parent/guardian of a pupil is automatically a member of the Friends.
Any parent/guardian/teacher can join the committee or become a class representative.
Some of the things we have recently raised money for include:
The fundraising really does make a difference to our pupils and families and there are many more schemes and projects we would like to support such as the current Forest School Improvement Project which aims to improve the current Forest School space, provide more creative play activities and make the space usable by everyone in all weathers.
Please consider joining us to give a ‘helping hand’. All offers of help and support would be gratefully received. For more information, please visit or e-mail us on